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“Thanks Simon - much appreciate the update and this looks...
Chris Gardner, Business Development Manager, Dufeu I.T
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Bannatyne Health Club Wakefield Poster Advertising

Good news…
You can now ENGAGE AND CONNECT with high-value influencers with a ‘BIG eye catching poster site’ in the best health club in town with EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS so you don’t have any competition

Your Club
>Bannatyne Health Club, Paragon Business Village, Snow Hill, Wakefield, WF1 2UF…Click here to see all locations
>State-of-the-art gym equipment, extensive selection of exercise classes & luxurious swimming pools and spa facilities
>Open 7 days a week/ 364 days a year

>Six Sheet Traditional Poster Sites (Big 6 x 4 foot size)

Typical Poster Locations
>Reception…a high traffic area!
>Outside changing room entrances…great for repeated viewing!
>In-side the Gym…captive spots!

>Social Class: ABC1 65% (higher than the national average)
>Average Age/Income: 43 years / £38,000 plus
>Gender: Male 51%, Women 49%. Members visit on average three times per week with an average dwell time of 80 minutes.